What is State in React?
A state might hold the number of times a button is clicked.
When the button is clicked, the state changes and React updates the button's display to show the new count.

1. Local State
Managing form inputs (e.g., text fields, checkboxes).
Showing or hiding elements (like modals or tooltips).
- Switching between light and dark themes.
Here’s an example:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0); // Initialize state with 0
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>
useState is used to create a state variable called count.
setCount is the function used to update the state.
- When the button is clicked, setCount increases the value of count by 1.
Handling user input in forms.
Toggling the visibility of UI elements.
- Keeping track of simple component-specific values.
2. Global State
User login information (e.g., checking if the user is logged in).
App-wide themes (like dark mode or light mode).
- Data fetched from an API that needs to be accessible in multiple components.
Context API (a React feature).
Redux (a state management library).
- Zustand (a lightweight library).
import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';
// Create a Context
const UserContext = createContext();
function App() {
const [user, setUser] = useState({ name: "John Doe" });
return (
<UserContext.Provider value={{ user, setUser }}>
<Profile />
function Profile() {
const { user } = useContext(UserContext); // Access global state
return <p>Welcome, {user.name}!</p>;
The UserContext is used to share the user state across multiple components.
The Profile component can access and display the user data without passing it as a prop.
Managing user authentication (e.g., login/logout).
App-wide settings (e.g., themes, language).
- Sharing data between unrelated components.
3. Server State
Fetch data from a server.
Sync data between the front end and back end.
- Cache frequently used data.
React Query: Simplifies server state management.
Axios or Fetch API: Handles HTTP requests manually.
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
function Users() {
const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery('users', () =>
fetch('/api/users').then(res => res.json())
if (isLoading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error loading data</p>;
return (
{data.map(user => (
<li key={user.id}>{user.name}</li>
- useQuery fetches data and handles loading or error states automatically.
Fetching user information, product listings, or posts from an API.
Keeping local data updated with server changes.
4. Derived State
function ShoppingCart({ items }) {
const total = items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price, 0);
return <p>Total Price: ${total}</p>;
- The total value is calculated every time the items array changes.
Summarizing data (e.g., totals, averages).
Transforming or filtering data before display.
5. UI State
Showing or hiding modals, dropdowns, or tooltips.
Managing loading spinners or progress bars.
function Modal() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}>Open Modal</button>
{isOpen && (
<div className="modal">
<p>This is a modal</p>
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}>Close</button>
Modals and popups.
Controlling dropdown menus.
- Displaying loading indicators.
6. Session State
Shopping carts.
Storing temporary preferences.
function useSessionStorage(key, initialValue) {
const [value, setValue] = useState(() => {
const saved = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
return saved ? JSON.parse(saved) : initialValue;
const save = (newValue) => {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(newValue));
return [value, save];
Choosing the Right State
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Vikas Mishra
A highly skilled Angular & React Js Developer. Committed to delivering efficient, high-quality solutions by simplifying complex projects with technical expertise and innovative thinking.